all postcodes in CT15 / DOVER

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Postcode Area

CT / Canterbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CT15 5AA 1 0 51.16249 1.277167
CT15 5AB 5 0 51.162211 1.271957
CT15 5AD 2 0 51.165468 1.271601
CT15 5AE 1 0 51.166906 1.271016
CT15 5AF 5 0 51.17241 1.265897
CT15 5AG 6 1 51.181276 1.253827
CT15 5AH 5 0 51.175779 1.246099
CT15 5AJ 4 1 51.176164 1.246799
CT15 5AL 2 0 51.175749 1.247072
CT15 5AN 2 0 51.175537 1.247272
CT15 5AP 1 0 51.176551 1.245166
CT15 5AQ 22 0 51.177548 1.247812
CT15 5AR 6 0 51.17669 1.244074
CT15 5AS 4 0 51.176409 1.288544
CT15 5AT 2 0 51.186006 1.286911
CT15 5AU 3 1 51.190028 1.288541
CT15 5AW 3 0 51.173882 1.2493
CT15 5AX 3 0 51.191869 1.284478
CT15 5AY 7 0 51.191982 1.276928
CT15 5AZ 6 1 51.191638 1.277977